- Wordpress
- Laravel
- Roots, Trellis, Bedrock, Sage
- Google APIs
Courage Score
A tool that helps Californians hold their elected representatives in the State Assembly and Senate accountable.
Courage Score works with their progressive partner organizations who provide information on bills, voting records and a wide range of progressive issues to score legislators on. Users are able to explore all of this data in depth to reveal whether their representatives stay true to their constituents.
This new version of the Courage Score was created using the original Wordpress backend database and a theme built with the Roots.io framework (Trellis, Bedrock and Sage). PHP functions were written to pull the voting data from the Billtrack50 API, geolocation data from Google and political boundary data from Geocod.io.
We are discussing a new version that would involve a custom CMS, a React front end and using the data to build an interactive map of California.